Radiologic Technology Program

Radiologic Technology degree开始你的职业生涯作为一个放射技术专家
Radiologic technologists, 也被称为x射线技师(有时被错误地称为“放射技师”), 通过x光帮助医生诊断病人的疾病和状况, computed tomography (CT), MRI, 乳房x光检查和其他诊断性医学成像程序.
成功完成GMercyU和附属放射学课程要求后, you’ll be eligible to sit for the National American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Examination in Radiography. In 2023, 我们放射学专业的毕业生以100%的成功率通过了这个考试. 凭这个证书和你的学士学位, 你将有资格获得该领域的许多就业机会.


  • 100%

    of GMercyU RT grads passed the National American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Examination in Radiography in 2023

  • 100%

    最近的GMercyU RT毕业生在毕业前就找到了工作

  • $77,027


  • 6%

     预计到2033年全国放射技术人员的就业增长, 快于全国平均水平(劳工统计局)

  • 100%


Program Details

BS in Radiologic Technology Program

GMercyU’s 2+2 Radiologic Technology program is the standard degree path followed by most GMercyU Radiologic Technology majors. During the first two years, 你将完成一个强大的文科基础的通识教育要求. At the beginning of year two, you’ll work with your Campus Coordinator and apply to at least three of GMercyU’s affiliated radiologic technologist programs. 学生必须申请并被接受参加附属课程.

Your third and fourth years will be spent on-site at the affiliate radiologic technology program and their clinical education sites, 全日制学习课堂和临床课程. You’ll also work with your Campus Coordinator to register for all corresponding GMercyU courses to continue to build your transcript toward graduation. This full-time, 40小时/周的日间课程至少包括一个夏天, possibly two, 所以当你在大四的五月毕业时, 你很有可能在八月毕业前完成毕业要求. (请注意,八月或十二月没有毕业典礼.)


Read our Radiologic Technology Overview (PDF).


If you’re already ARRT-certified after attending a radiology school and passing the ARRT Examination in Radiography, 你可以为你的放射技术教育获得多达62个学分. You will just complete the remaining general education and liberal arts course requirements to earn your BS in radiologic technology from GMercyU.

如果你已经在其他学院或放射学校完成了大学课程, 你可能有资格转换额外的学分, 但你必须在GMercyU修满至少45个学分. 该学位可以全日制或非全日制完成, 有一些课程可以在晚上或网上学习.

Thomas Jefferson University放射科学学士(合作协议)

如果你对多能力训练感兴趣, you can pursue two areas of competency through a special articulation agreement that we have with Thomas Jefferson University’s radiology programs. Options include radiography, computed tomography (CT), MRI, 一般超声(超声)和血管超声.

这是一个非常挑剔的项目,需要额外的先决条件, 所以如果你想申请的话,需要提前计划. If accepted to Jefferson, you’ll transfer for your last two years (or slightly longer) and earn a Bachelor’s of Science in Radiologic Sciences from Thomas Jefferson University.

Earning a four-year radiology degree at GMercyU can enhance your value to employers and may offer better job opportunities and security. You’ll gain real-life experience through program completion at one of GMercyU’s Radiologic Technology affiliate programs:

  • 爱因斯坦医学中心放射技术学院
  • 约克/WellSpan医学中心放射技术学院
  • Crozer-Chester医学中心/Widener大学放射技术学院
  • 首都卫生放射技术学院(Trenton, NJ)
  • Shore医学中心放射技术学院(Somers Point, NJ)
  • 费城放射技术学院St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children


JCERT Accreditation


我们所有的放射技术附属项目都是由美国放射学会认证的 放射技术教育联合检讨委员会 (JRCERT).



  • Access the clinical training and education of a radiologic technology program (once accepted) while still earning credit towards a bachelor’s degree and maintaining eligibility for federal financial aid through GMercyU. 请注意:所有GMercyU奖学金, grants, 由于学费较低,在附属项目中不会继续获得优异奖. 学生仍然可以继续向FAFSA申请联邦援助. (Please see VA Tuition)
  • 向经验丰富的全职教师学习(没有助教)!). GMercyU低至10:1的师生比例意味着个性化的关注, support, and mentorship from faculty. 我们的附属放射技术学校提供同样的体验, 包括小班授课和该领域的专家教师.
  • 通过获得入门级以上的学位,在劳动力竞争中获得优势, associate's degree required.
  • 从校园协调员那里获得额外的支持和建议.

放射技术学校的毕业生在放射学方面有坚实的教育基础, 但是需要额外的培训和认证, 你可以在先进的成像模式下工作,包括计算机断层扫描(CT)。, mammography, interventional imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 介入放射学和骨密度测定. 

The mission of the Radiologic Technology Program is an expression of the mission of Gwynedd-Mercy University and the Frances M. 马奎尔护理与卫生专业学院. 学术课程提供科学专业前的课程, liberal arts, and humanities which allow a student to complete the junior and senior year of professional education at an approved School of Radiologic Technology and at career entry, 能熟练完成所有的影像学检查并通过国家注册考试. The Radiologic Technology program combines education for professional competency with the Mercy tradition of service to society.

The mission of the Radiologic Technology program reflects the mission of the University in assuring that the student has a strong background in the sciences, liberal arts, and humanities, that the student is clinically competent and possesses the qualities and abilities expected of a Gwynedd Mercy University graduate.

放射技术是一个不断变化的领域. 跟上技术的步伐是令人兴奋的,但也具有挑战性, and so to earn a radiology degree, 你应该有…的学术背景, and aptitude for, math and science.


放射技术- 62学分 

HS 109    Medical Terminology & Acute Care Record
RDS 300  Rad技术入门(2学分)
RDS 301 Patient Care
RDS 302 Radiographic Procedures I
RDS 303 Radiographic Exposure I
RDS 311 Clinical Education I
RDS 305 Radiographic Procedures II
RDS 306 Digital Image Acq. & Display
RDS 307 Radiation Physics
RDS 309 Clinical Education II
RDS 310 Clinical Education III
RDS 321 Ethics/Medical Law/Human Diversity
RDS 402 Radiographic Procedures III
RDS 403 Radiation Biology & Protection
RDS 404 Advanced Imaging Techniques I
RDS 407 Clinical Education IV 
RDS 408 Radiographic Pathology
RDS 409 Advanced Imaging Techniques II
RDS 410 Radiographic Procedures IV
RDS 413 Clinical Education V
RDS 415 Clinical Education VI
RDS 420 Pharmacology & Drug Administration
RDS 4000 Capstone Course

Jefferson Prerequisites:

CHM 151/151L/151R 化学原理1(4学分)
MTH 245 Calculus I (4 credits)
PHY 241/241L/241R General Physics I (4 credits)
PHY 242/242L/242R General Physics II (4 credits)

Credit Requirement
获得放射学学士学位至少需要122个学分. Transfer students are required to complete a minimum of 36 credits at Gwynedd Mercy University Main Campus before attending an affiliate program.

Transfer students are required to complete a minimum of 36 credits at Gwynedd Mercy University Main Campus before attending an affiliate program.

See the undergraduate catalog for further information. 

See the 放射技术手册2024-2025 (PDF)查阅有关计划的所有详情.

Undergraduate Minors

增加你的放射学学位的价值 undergraduate minor 这最能满足你的个人和职业目标.

想知道作为一名在GMercyU主修放射技术的学生,你的课程会是什么样的? 下面让我们仔细看看这个项目中的一些课程. You’ll find that part of the GMercyU experience is an emphasis on the principles of compassionate and empathic patient care.

HS109 Medical Terminology & Acute Care Record
This course allows students to learn the language of medicine with an emphasis on the application of medical terminology in medical records. 将教授的术语类型包括:医学词汇的组成部分, terms specific to all body systems, 常见的疾病过程和常见的药物名称及其规定用途. The content of the acute care record and the documentation needs of the related healthcare practitioners will be an integral topic of this class.

RDS 301 Patient Care
本课程旨在提供病人护理的基本概念, 包括考虑病人和家属的生理和心理需求. 常规和紧急病人护理程序的描述, 使用标准预防措施的感染控制程序也是如此. 确定了放射技师在患者教育中的作用.

RDS 403 Radiation Biology & Protection
本课程的主要主题是辐射生物学原理, 包括辐射与活组织的相互作用以及用来保护病人的方法, radiographer and others. 介绍了辐射对分子、细胞、组织和整个人体的影响. 讨论了影响生物反应的因素, 包括辐射的急性和慢性影响. 介绍了保护的概况. 联邦和州监管机构的辐射健康和安全要求, 认证机构和医疗保健组织被合并.

请查看所有放射技术课程说明 refer to the undergraduate catalog.

Mary Hermann, EdD, MSN, RN

Joy Fox, BS, RT (R) (M) (QM) (CT)
Position: 医学实验室科学校园协调员 & Radiologic Technology
Did You Know? 福克斯在医学成像领域工作多年,担任放射科技术人员, quality assurance technologist, and chief and administrative technologist as well as an educator in various institutions in the tristate region.
Read bio 

Interested in treating cancer as part of an oncology team?
Explore our Radiation Therapy major.

Real-World Opportunities

我们的毕业生继续在医院工作, outpatient centers, urgent care centers, and physician offices. 其他职业道路包括教育和/或管理、销售和研究.


Description: These healthcare professionals perform x-rays and other diagnostic medical imaging procedures to help physicians diagnose patient diseases and conditions.
Degree Requirements: A.S. degree required; B.S. in Radiologic Technology preferred. 您还必须获得美国放射技师注册局(ARRT)的认证。.
Average Salary: 2022年,全职员工的平均年薪为77,027美元.

Cat Scan (CT) Technologist
Description: These technologists operate CT (computed tomography) equipment to run CAT scans of a patient’s bones and tissues to help diagnose medical conditions.
Degree Requirements: A.S. degree required; B.S. in Radiologic Technology preferred. 您还必须获得美国放射技师注册局(ARRT)的认证。.
Average Salary: 2022年,全职员工的平均年薪为78,159美元.

Description: These types of technologists conduct MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging scanners) to create images of a patient’s tissues and organs to help diagnose a range of possible medical issues. 这些专家将需要知道如何为患者提供最佳位置以获得高质量的图像.
Degree Requirements: A.S. degree required; B.S. in Radiologic Technology preferred. 您还必须获得美国放射技师注册局(ARRT)的认证。.
Average Salary: 2022年,全职员工的平均年薪为82395美元.

Next Steps

Have questions about GMercyU's admissions requirements or transferring eligible credits? Contact us! Our Admissions staff is ready to walk you through the process of applying to GMercyU’s Radiologic Technology program.

Transfer students are required to complete a minimum of 36 credits at Gwynedd Mercy University Main Campus before attending an affiliate program.

Phone: 215-641-5510

Please note: 参加这个项目的学生必须有能力获得美国签证.S. 背景调查和其他许可安排在美国.S. clinical/school setting. U.S. 在某些学术课程中,公民身份或永久居留权也是获得执照的必要条件. International students and students who are under DACA status or are undocumented should carefully review the licensure requirements in their state before enrolling in a degree program that leads to licensure. 更多信息可在国家立法机构会议网站上找到.

Licensure: 该计划旨在满足宾夕法尼亚州联邦的执照要求. If you reside in a different state, 在参加这个项目之前,你应该仔细检查你所在州的执照要求. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站 Program Licensure Requirement page.

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At GMercyU, 我们努力通过财政援助使所有人都能获得优质教育, scholarships, and grants. As a military-friendly university, 我们欢迎服务成员并参与所有VA教育福利计划. 请注意:所有GMercyU奖学金, grants, 由于学费较低,学生在附属项目中不会继续获得优异奖. 学生仍然可以继续向FAFSA申请联邦援助.

While at an affiliate radiography program: Students who receive tuition assistance from the Veterans Administration (VA) should be aware that once they enter the affiliate program, 大学将不再是处理VA学费交易的联络人. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the affiliate program to find out if they are a VA participating program prior to applying. The certifying official at a VA participating affiliate will assume the role of processing VA benefits while enrolled in the affiliate program. 学生也应该直接联系VA获取更多信息.


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HIC front entrance

An Exciting Addition to Campus 

State-of-the-art classrooms. 沉浸式模拟和技能实验室. 专业之间的合作空间,学习如何治疗“整体”病人, a healthcare best-practice. 室外露台,通风,宽敞的中庭,以及方便的微型市场.
Tour the future Frances M. 马奎尔医疗创新中心.